Saturday, 7 December 2013

Filming part one

I just finished filming with Oliver for the lead in my video, however despite giving him the song and lyrics a week ago he hasn't looked at them or listened to the song. He is not very confident about the filming and I fell the lighting wasn't good ever.
We will try again tomorrow in which I will get him to go through the song and get to know it. I will also try and find another location.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


This is Paramore, Now. I like this video for the use of powdered paint along with the action which almost makes violence look better with bright colors rather than blood. I also like the suden brighness in the clear change to stop the violence.

Panic at the Disco

This is Panic At The Disco, This is Gospel. I like this video for its song and also that the video does not look like it has been edited and that it is one continuous piece of film.

Main film location

I am going to call the storage facility and ask to view the unit I will be using to film before hand. I will then get something scheduled.

Camera Booking

I have booked a camera and lighting for over the Christmas holidays 20th December- 6th January

Filming the performance

I'm going to be filming my performance this weekend starting Friday to Sunday. I have my performer Ollie who will be doing the lip syncing and the setting will be dark.